PLANS for a massive housing scheme in the heart of Ards changed from 108 homes to 95 when it shifted from a private development to social housing.

That’s according to a representative of the developers building the project, speaking as the plans won approval at a special Ards and North Down Council committee meeting last Thursday night.

The representative added that the changeover from private to public housing also saw the make-up of the development altered.

Originally, the project would have consisted of 64 houses and 44 apartments, but that’s now been redrawn to be 75 houses and 20 apartments – the reduction in the number of apartments being a response to social housing needs in Newtownards.

The development was unanimously approved by the council’s Planning Committee, which held a special meeting to decide on the scheme so that Radius Housing could sign off on agreements with the property developer before the end of this month.

The social housing project is to be built on waste ground behind Court Street that was once slated to be redeveloped as a massive shopping centre.

The original 108-homes plan was actually approved three years ago, making last Thursday the second time a massive housing scheme was approved for the site.

The project will also repair and retain a historic wall that dates back to the 17th century, when the area was part of a house and garden estate called Castlebawn.

The Castlebawn name has survived into modern usage for that part of Ards, and around 20 years ago the site was supposed to be redeveloped as part of a sprawling complex that was to include a shopping centre, car showrooms and retail and business units.

That idea stalled in the wake of 2008’s property crash and subsequent recession. The eventual Castlebawn shopping development built years later was much smaller, leaving the land behind Court Street untouched.

Planners and politicians now agree that housing is the best use for the site.