WORK is expected to get underway in October on the £2m revamp of the heart of Portaferry.
The Department of Communities (DfC) this week announced that Northstone will be the contractor for the Portaferry Public Realm Project which will deliver several environmental improvements to the core of the town including the Market Square, Ferry Street and Castle Street.
Among the work to be carried out is:
- A revitalised Market Square for community use and events;
- Upgraded surfaces and streetscape improvements; and
- Amenity lighting, street furniture and planting/landscape design.
The work is expected to be completed by the summer of 2024.
Councillor Joe Boyle, chairman of the Portaferry Steering Group, which has been actively involved in all stages of the design process, said the group is delighted that funding has been secured and that it can be used to enhance Portaferry’s status as an historic village and visitor destination.
“The focus on quality, with natural stone and the creation of a usable civic space in the Market Square, will make a real difference to residents, businesses and visitors,” said Mr Boyle.
“Having spent nearly 40 years in business within the Square I am mindful of the importance of this area in Portaferry. In recent years there has been significant investment in this location involving commercial, domestic and the council premises with enhancement and improvements to premises surrounding the Square currently ongoing.
He concluded: “It is therefore timely to have such a significant improvement and enhancement scheme now being invested in and delivered to Portaferry.”
The Director of Regional Development Office at the DfC, Gerard Murray, said the investment in Portaferry reflects the Department’s commitment to working in partnership to regenerate cities, towns and village centres.
“It is a great example of collaborative working between central government departments, Ards and North Down Borough Council and local community stakeholders,” said Mr Murray.
“The improvements to the streetscape, enhanced linkages to the ferry and Market Square, and the creation of a bespoke events space will transform the look and feel of the heart of Portaferry. This will facilitate a wide range of events all year round and support this much-loved village to become an even more attractive place to live, work, visit and invest.”
The Mayor of Ards and North Down, Jennifer Gilmour said she is delighted the project has ‘reached this milestone’.
“Portaferry is a significant destination for tourism and leisure in our borough and the council’s aspiration is to deliver a sustainable and sympathetic improvement scheme that is consistent with the village’s historic character but will also help to future proof it for current and future generations,” she said.
“As a council we will be contributing over £400,000 to the project and we are very grateful to the various Departments for their funding support to this scheme. This investment comes at a significant time for businesses in the area as they continue to recover from the pandemic.”
The project sees a £2m investment in Portaferry funded through the COVID Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme, a collaborative approach between the Department for Communities, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs and the Department for Infrastructure .